Here’s our indie pop playlist for November 2023, featuring the best in independent pop and alt music:
Here are a few tracks to draw a bit of extra attention to in our indie pop playlist for November as you fight over that last piece of pie.
Don’t Walk Away From Me (The Elwins) – We kick off our indie pop playlist this November with a bouncing track from The Elwins. Definitely a toe tapper.
Never Enough (Mansions) – Bittersweet slower mid-tempo head bopper from Mansions, “Never Enough” looks back on a relationship that wasn’t meant to be.

Don’t Give Me Grapes (Happy Doghouse) – Gritty production on this alt pop track from Happy Doghouse that will keep you guessing with its picking up and slowing down the tempo, this is a delightfully interesting on.
housekeys (Field Medic) – We like to work in a little folk pop on here, and Field Medic is delivering some of the most satisfyingly raw offerings in the genre today. housekeys is certainly a favorite.
Dissonance (LAVE) – This is one of those songs which just has a introverted and refreshing familiarity to it and being relatively short you can play it over and over again (I know I did according to my Spotify stats).
yea, babe, no way IO (LANY) – I’m not doing myself any favors putting the four letter all caps artist names back to back here, but this is a relative oldie but a greatie from LANY.
Witchcraft (Graveyard Club) – This is another of those songs you could hear if they made a John Hughes movie today. We just missed Halloween by a couple days, but a great song for this time of year.
Dionne (The Japanese House, Justin Vernon) – This one features a lot of that thick layering and lush arrangements that you’ve come to expect and appreciate from The Japanese House.