Here’s our indie pop playlist for May 2024, featuring the best in independent pop and alt music:
Here are a few tracks to draw a bit of extra attention to in our indie pop playlist for May 2024 enjoy arguably the most pleasant season!
Search 4 Me (Chris Farren) – I wanted to kick this one off with a bang, and Chris Farren’s “Search 4 Me” fits the mold perfectly with a energetic yet laid back blend of pop and electronic elements.

Bigger (St. Lucia) – A bit of a deeper cut at least in terms of singles from St. Lucia, I love how the chorus builds in itself each time with that melody.
Cloudy Eyes (Covey) – Covey delivers a unique blend of intimate indie singer/songwriter pop which is all his own and “Cloudy Eyes” is the initial song which hooked me in.
Gabriella (Card Club) – Tidy minimalist indie pop with a great beat is the best way to describe “Gabriella” from Card Club until it explodes into a satisfying 1 5 6 4 chorus with a refreshing 7 on that second half.
Enough (Ethan Gruska, Phoebe Bridgers) – This is one of those choruses which feels like a reassuring hug with the meshing vocals of Ethan Gruska and Phoebe Bridgers. I had this one on repeat again and again.
Summer Girls (Hot Dad) – This one will take you minute to realize what it is, and it may be a guilty pleasure but I’m kind of obsessed with this cover. The decision to make that chorus uptempo, delivered with urgency, was a stroke of genius after those (lyrically) throwaway verses.